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Everymind is a leading institute dedicated to the prevention of mental ill-health and suicide and has a long-standing reputation for designing, developing and implementing effective and tailored mental health and suicide prevention programs that can be scaled to meet people where they live, work, learn and connect. Multidisciplinary teams deliver a wide range of specialist programs:

  • Knowledge exchange programs provide translated evidence, policy, data and resources on suicide prevention and mental health. Programs include Life in Mind which hosts the National Communications Charter.
  • Business and community programs support mental health and wellbeing through personalised resources and tools tailored to specific needs. Programs include Ahead for Business
  • Best practice communication programs support safe media reporting, portrayal and written visual communication about suicide, mental ill-health, alcohol and other drugs. Programs include Mindframe and Conversations Matter
  • Families and caregiver programs provide practical support across a range of settings. Programs include Minds Together and Children in Mind

Everymind also conducts research and provides resources that promote mental health. 


Workshops, In-person training, Online training, Education, In-person counselling, Digital tools and apps, Policy, Legislation and regulation, Advocacy, Research, Evaluation


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