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Stories from the field: case studies of managing change and disruption

Learn from the experiences of organisations and how they have supported their workforces through disruption and change.

Contributed by National Mental Health Commission.

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About this resource

All workplaces are affected by change and disruption. In recent years, COVID-19 transformed ways of working for many organisations. Other disruptions such as extreme weather events, the emergence of new technologies and the outbreak of conflict or war can affect many workplaces. 

These case studies were developed to support business owners, senior leaders, managers and HR professionals to build mentally healthy workplaces in a world where change and disruption has become the norm. They complement Mentally healthy workplaces: Managing change and disruption.

Contributed by

National Mental Health Commission

Providing evidence and advice, and acting as a catalyst for change to continuously improve Australia’s mental health and suicide prevention systems.

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Helps you to

  • Protect
    mental health and wellbeing.
  • Respond
    to support your team.