Retail Trade
This industry provides us with the goods and services for our basic needs through to joyful luxuries. This work can involve managing peaks in demand and dealing with stressful situations such as unhappy customers. These resources are tailored to encourage, support and create good mental health in retail locations throughout Australia.
No One Deserves a Serve
The No One Deserves A Serve campaign by the SDA Union is focused on creating awareness about retail and fast food workers facing customer abuse and violent behaviour at work.
The campaign includes awareness material, training, incident reporting, signage and other resources. Learn more through the link below.
Essential Retail
Essential workers, Essential support is a National Retail Association campaign highlighting that Australia is currently facing a concerning increase in preventable chronic diseases and mental health issues.
Retail workers represent a significant proportion of Australians impacted. You can show your support for change and access latest related research. Click the link below for more information