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ReturnToWorkSA's Mentally Healthy Workplaces factsheet

Learn about the factors that contribute towards mentally healthy workplaces and why these are important for both people and organisations.

Contributed by ReturnToWorkSA.

  • Free
  • SA

About this resource

A mentally healthy workplace protects mental health, proactively responds to support people in need and promotes good mental health and wellbeing for all.

This factsheet helps explain factors that contribute towards mentally healthy workplaces, why these are important for our mental health, and the return-on-investment benefits for organisations.

This resource also includes a link to ReturnToWorkSA's specialised mentally healthy workplaces consultant and how they can potentially assist to identify and reduce risk factors to mental health in your workplace.

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ReturnToWorkSA is responsible for providing work injury insurance and regulating the South Australian Return to Work scheme.

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Helps you to

  • Protect
    mental health and wellbeing.
  • Promote
    the positive aspects of work.
  • Respond
    to support your team.